Josh Innovations is committed to WORLD CLASS SOFTWARE TRAINING. It is at the core of our service culture and will always be the heart of our relationship with our clients.
We define World Class Software Training as an ongoing journey towards Training Service excellence. World Class Software Training challenges us to consistently reset the high bar of our performance levels to meet or exceed the expectations of an ever-more-competitive marketplace.
Josh Innovation’s commitment to World Class Software Training begins with the first impression we handle a Course Enquiry call… how smoothly we provide training to our Students… and how effectively our training work. It is a combination of everything we do to create a better student relationship – and make it successful.
We measure the success of our commitment to World Class Software Training through student satisfaction scores and student retention rates. Those two key metrics have historically reflected how well we serve our Students.
What differentiates Josh Innovations from the competition?
We believe that Software Training demands increasingly higher levels of excellence – and there is no level of Software Training Services today that cannot be further improved tomorrow.